Sliding Scale Information

This privilege-based sliding scale model was adapted from Dura Mater Wellness, Little Red Bird Botanicals, Pronia Coaching, and AB Moore.

What is “Sliding Scale”?

Sliding Scale is a model that allows folks to pay at different rates pending their financial needs. I bring it to my practice as a way to make my work accessible to a wider ranger of folks than those who can pay the middle or top rate, while stilling providing me a sustainable wage.

Scale range- $175-260 per hour, with a minimum of 1.5 hours. A chart is present on the studio wall showing pricing break down before and after your deposit.

Many of my pieces are completed in about 2 hours. Pieces that are exceptionally large compared to my standard work, pieces with significant areas of fill or shading, highly detailed designs, and tricky placements tend to increase the time it takes me to complete something. Let me know when you are picking your design if you have any concerns about your choice fitting with your budget.

Tipping: As the owner of my studio, I do not expect a tip, but tips are always appreciated! Tips can come in the form of some extra money, a vegan treat or drink for me, or vegan treats for my dog Benny. I prefer not to receive permanent objects as tips, as I live a relatively minimalist life and am particular about my possessions.


The following is to help you decide where on the scale to pay. I will never ask you for justification of the rate that you pay.

Things to consider:

When I pay more, I know that I am helping the artist support themselves. When I pay in the middle, I know I am helping the artist cover costs. And when I pay at the bottom, I know I am letting my community hold me and support me.” All of these are acceptable ways of participating. I recognize that some folks may not be able to afford the low end of the scale - at this time, I offer one free tattoo a month for Black and Indigenous clients, which can be applied for here.


Ultimately, I view this way of pricing as you picking a price that works for you. A tattoo is a luxury that sometimes needs to be saved for, but should not come at the expense of your well being.